The church of Our Lady of Tinos, one of the most important religious pilgrimages in Greece, attracts thousands of visitors every year who come to worship the Virgin Mary icon and live the island’s unique spiritual experience. Apart from religious tourism, Tinos also offers unique accommodation options, combining the serenity of the Cycladic landscape with luxury. Those looking for comfortable Tinos accommodation can explore White Tinos’ suggestions.

The History of Our Lady of Tinos

The history of Our Lady of Tinos, or Panagia of Tinos as it is called in Greek, begins in 1823 when the nun Pelagia saw a vision of the Virgin Mary, who pointed out where the miraculous icon was buried. After excavations, the icon was found and since then the church of Evaggelistria was built to accommodate it, becoming an important religious centre for the faithful. The Virgin Mary of Tinos is a symbol of faith and hope, attracting visitors from all over the world. During your visit to the island, if you are looking for comfortable suites in Tinos, check out the options offered by White Tinos Luxury Suites.

The icon of the Virgin Mary

The Virgin Mary of Tinos icon is considered one of the most sacred and miraculous icons of the Orthodox Church. It was discovered after visions of the nun Pelagia, and since then it has become a symbol of faith and hope for thousands of pilgrims. The icon is carved in wood and is believed to date back to the early Christian era. It is dedicated to the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Many believers from Greece and abroad visit the island to venerate the icon and ask for its help.

The construction of the church

The construction of the Church of Panagia Evangelistria in Tinos began shortly after the discovery of the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary and was completed with the contribution of residents and believers from all over Greece. The church is a leading religious centre, not only for Tinos but for the whole of Orthodoxy, attracting thousands of pilgrims every year. The Church of Panagia Evangelistria is undoubtedly one of the top attractions in Tinos.

Architecture and important works of art

The Church of Our Lady of Tinos is an excellent example of 19th-century ecclesiastical architecture, with strong influences from the classical and neoclassical traditions. Its construction of white marble from the islands of Tinos and Paros gives it majesty and timeless beauty. Inside the church, the ornate marble iconostasis, the luxurious mosaics and the important portable icons stand out, while the most important work is by far the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary which is a magnet for pilgrims. The works of art housed in the church highlight the rich religious and cultural traditions of Tinos.

When is Our Lady of Tinos celebrated?

Our Lady of Tinos is celebrated with great pomp every 15th of August, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, one of the most important religious holidays in Greece. Thousands of believers flock to the island every year to venerate the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary and participate in worship events. Also, during the summer and especially in August, it is time for the traditional festivals of Tinos, offering a unique opportunity to experience the local culture.

Assumption of the Virgin Mary – 15th of August

Assumption of the Virgin Mary

The feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is one of the most important feasts of Orthodoxy and is celebrated with great pomp in Greece, especially in Tinos. According to tradition, this is the day that the Virgin Mary fell asleep and ascended to heaven. A great pilgrimage is held in Tinos with thousands of believers coming to pray and honour the Holy Mother.

Celebration of the excavation of the Icon – 30th of January

On January 30th, the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary of Tinos, which was discovered in 1823 after a vision of the nun Agia Pelagia, is celebrated. The icon is considered miraculous and plays a central role in the spiritual life of the faithful and the traditions of Tinos.

Annunciation of the Virgin Mary – 25th of March

The feast of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary is celebrated on March 25, a day that symbolizes the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary by the Archangel Gabriel. This day also coincides with the national holiday of the 1821 Greek Revolution, making it doubly significant. In Tinos, it is celebrated with particular splendour.

Saint Pelagia Vision Anniversary – 23rd of July

On 23 July, the vision of St Pelagia is celebrated, during which the place where the icon of the Virgin Mary was buried was revealed to her. This vision was the trigger for the finding of the icon and is directly connected to the spiritual life of Tinos.
These feasts are important religious events for the Orthodox faith and are directly linked to the worship of the Virgin Mary.

Pilgrimage to the Panagia of Tinos

The pilgrimage to the Virgin Mary of Tinos is one of the most important religious events in Greece, with thousands of believers visiting the temple every year. The uphill walk to the temple is often done on bended knees by many pilgrims as a sign of reverence. During your stay on the island, apart from the pilgrimage, you can enjoy other Tinos activities.

Our Lady of Tinos Miracles

Sightseeing in Tinos

The Virgin Mary of Tinos is known for the miracles associated with her miraculous icon. Since its discovery in 1823, many cures for serious illnesses and inexplicable solutions to problems have been recorded that are attributed to the grace of the Virgin Mary. The thank-you plaques and vows that fill the church are testimonies of people who believe they have received help. These miracles have made Our Lady of Tinos a symbol of hope and faith for many.

The auxiliary rooms and the museums in the Holy Church of Evangelistria of Tinos

The Holy Church of Evangelistria in Tinos has various auxiliary areas and museums that enrich the visitor’s experience. In the surrounding area of the church, there are exhibition spaces that present religious relics, icons and works of art related to the history of the Virgin Mary and the cultural heritage of the island. In addition, the Museum of the Monastery hosts important works of art and objects that bear witness to the rich religious tradition. These sites are an integral part of the Tinos attractions, offering a unique opportunity to experience the local history and culture.

Offers and oblations at the Virgin Mary of Tinos

The oblations to the Virgin Mary of Tinos are expressions of thanksgiving and faith of pilgrims who have experienced miracles or have received help from the Virgin Mary. Often, the faithful offer objects or works of art as a sign of gratitude, which are displayed in the temple. These offerings range from jewellery and sacred objects to commemorative plaques that recount the miraculous interventions of the Blessed Mother in their lives. The richness and variety of the relics highlight the deep faith and devotion of the pilgrims, making the Virgin Mary of Tinos a symbol of hope and healing. These offerings contribute to the atmosphere of the temple, creating a unique sense of devotion and reverence.

The dress code of our Lady of Tinos

Our Lady of Tinos is not just a monument of architecture and a beautiful sight. It is an active church and visitors should be dressed appropriately. Both men and women must have their knees and shoulders covered when entering the church. These dress codes are out of respect and reverence towards the Holy Mother and the Orthodox faith.

FAQs about Virgin Mary of Tinos

What is the Virgin Mary of Tinos?

The Virgin Mary of Tinos is the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary that is located in the Holy Church of Evangelistria in Tinos and is an important religious centre for Orthodoxy.

When was the icon of the Virgin Mary of Tinos discovered?

The icon of the Virgin Mary of Tinos was discovered in 1823, after a vision of the nun Pelagia.

What are the most famous miracles of the Virgin Mary of Tinos?

The most well-known miracles include the healings of patients and other miraculous interventions that have been recorded by believers during the pilgrimages.

When is Panagia Tinos celebrated?

The Virgin Mary of Tinos is celebrated on 15 August, the day of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

What is the architecture of the Holy Church of Panagia of Tinos?

The Holy Church of Panagia Evangelistria is an example of neoclassical architecture, made of white marble and decorated with elaborate elements and mosaics.